Does VPN Slow Down Internet? Tips to Boost Speed

Does VPN Slow Down Internet? Tips to Boost Speed

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Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become increasingly popular for users seeking to protect their online privacy and access geo-restricted content. However, a common concern among potential VPN users is whether using a VPN slows down internet speed. This question is crucial as people rely on fast, stable connections for work, entertainment, and communication.

While VPNs offer benefits like IP address masking and data protection, they can have an impact on internet performance. Factors such as server network size, encryption strength, and protocol choice all play a role in determining VPN speed. This article explores how VPNs affect internet speed, examines the key factors involved, and provides tips to boost VPN performance. It also looks at top providers like NordVPN, ExpressVPN, and Surfshark to help users find fast and reliable VPN services.

How VPNs Impact Internet Speed

VPNs have a significant influence on internet speed due to several factors inherent in their operation. While they offer enhanced privacy and security, users often experience a noticeable decrease in connection speed when using a VPN service [1].

Encryption Process

The encryption process is a fundamental aspect of VPN functionality that affects internet speed. VPNs encrypt all internet communications to keep user activity anonymous, which adds overhead to data transmission [2]. This process takes time, and depending on the encryption strength, it can introduce noticeable latency to internet communications [2]. The strongest type of AES encryption, while providing maximum data protection, can lead to lower internet speeds [3].

Server Distance

The physical distance between the user and the VPN server plays a crucial role in determining connection speed. When a user connects to a VPN server located far away, it increases the time it takes for data to travel, resulting in slower speeds [4]. For example, if a user in New York accesses a server in London, the encryption process and routing through the VPN server can introduce significant latency [4]. This phenomenon, known as the trombone effect, can substantially increase latency even when communicating with nearby servers [2].

Network Congestion

Server load and network congestion can also impact VPN speed. When too many users are connected to one server, the VPN connection speed drops [3]. This issue is particularly common among free and slow VPNs that overload their servers with users [3]. For instance, if a server can only handle 300 requests at a time but 1,000 users are trying to connect simultaneously, it may become overloaded, leading to queued or dropped requests and slower load times for users [2].

To minimize speed loss, users can choose servers closer to their physical location and opt for less congested servers [5]. While VPNs inevitably slow down internet speeds due to the additional steps in data transmission, understanding these factors can help users optimize their VPN experience and find a balance between security and performance.

Factors Affecting VPN Speed

Several factors influence the speed of a VPN connection, impacting the overall internet experience for users. Understanding these elements can help optimize VPN performance and maintain faster speeds.

Internet Service Provider

The speed provided by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) forms the foundation of the VPN experience. A faster baseline ISP speed can make VPN-induced slowdowns less noticeable, while a slower connection may amplify the impact of using a VPN [1]. Essentially, VPN services can only offer speeds up to the capacity allocated by the ISP, regardless of their efficiency [6].

VPN Server Quality

The quality of VPN servers plays a crucial role in connection speed. High-quality servers handle data more efficiently, reducing potential speed drops [1]. Server location is equally important, as the physical distance between the user and the VPN server affects latency. Connecting to a server far away can result in slower speeds due to the increased travel time for data [4]. Additionally, server load impacts performance. When too many users connect to a single server, it may become overloaded, leading to slower connection speeds for everyone [7].

Encryption Level

Encryption is vital for VPN security but can affect speed. Stronger encryption provides better protection but requires more computational resources to encrypt and decrypt data, potentially slowing down the connection [1]. For instance, 256-bit encryption offers enhanced security but may result in slower speeds compared to 128-bit encryption [6]. Some VPNs allow users to choose their encryption level, enabling a balance between speed and security based on specific needs and data sensitivity [1].

VPN protocols also influence speed and security. Different protocols offer varying performance characteristics. For example, OpenVPN prioritizes security, while IKEv2 and WireGuard aim to balance security and speed [7]. The choice of protocol can significantly impact the overall VPN experience, with some offering faster connections than others [6].

Ways to Minimize VPN Speed Loss

Choose Nearby Servers

To optimize VPN speed, users should select servers closest to their physical location. The distance between the user and the VPN server significantly impacts latency, which is the time it takes to send a request and receive a response [8]. Connecting to a far-off server increases latency, resulting in slower connections. Users should only choose distant servers when they need to appear in a specific country [8]. For general online protection, selecting the nearest server is recommended. Some VPN providers offer features to simplify this process. For instance, ExpressVPN’s Smart Location feature suggests the optimal server location for users [9].

Opt for Lightweight Protocols

Choosing the right VPN protocol can greatly enhance connection speeds. WireGuard, a modern and lightweight protocol, has gained popularity for its speed and efficiency. It uses state-of-the-art cryptography and is considered faster and more reliable than older protocols [10]. While WireGuard doesn’t support AES encryption, it employs ChaCha20, which is secure and less complex [10]. Many VPN providers are implementing WireGuard or developing their own versions, like NordVPN’s NordLynx, which combines WireGuard’s speed with enhanced security [11].

Use Split Tunneling

Split tunneling is an effective technique to balance speed and security. This feature allows users to route only specific traffic through the VPN while other data travels directly over the open internet [12]. By directing only sensitive data through the VPN tunnel, users can maintain high speeds for less critical activities. Split tunneling is particularly beneficial for remote workers, as it allows secure access to corporate resources without routing all internet activity through company networks [12]. This approach optimizes bandwidth usage and reduces latency for general web browsing while maintaining security for essential tasks [13].

Best VPNs for Maintaining Fast Speeds


NordVPN consistently ranks as one of the fastest VPN providers in the market. According to CNET’s hands-on testing, NordVPN resulted in the least internet speed degradation compared to other providers analyzed [14]. Using NordVPN’s proprietary protocol, NordLynx, users experienced an average internet speed loss of just 3.19% on Windows and 12.56% on MacOS [14]. NordVPN’s extensive server network contributes to its impressive performance, offering blazing-fast speeds suitable for bandwidth-intensive applications like 4K video streaming and Zoom calls [14].


While ExpressVPN is known for its reliable performance, recent speed tests have shown that it may not match up to NordVPN’s speeds. In tests conducted with servers in various locations, ExpressVPN’s Lightway protocol achieved speeds ranging from 246 Mbps to 329 Mbps [15]. However, these results were significantly lower than NordVPN’s performance, which consistently reached speeds above 600 Mbps in the same locations [15].


Surfshark offers impressive speeds, especially considering its budget-friendly pricing. All Surfshark servers have at least a 1Gbps connected port, with some even reaching 2x10Gbps/server [16]. In speed tests, Surfshark demonstrated strong download speeds, often reaching above 75 Mbps on a 100 Mbps connection across various server locations [16]. While upload speeds showed some variation, Surfshark’s performance remained consistent for streaming, torrenting, and general browsing activities [16].


The impact of VPNs on internet speed is a key concern for users seeking online privacy and security. While VPNs can slow down connections due to encryption, server distance, and network congestion, there are ways to minimize speed loss. Choosing nearby servers, opting for lightweight protocols like WireGuard, and using split tunneling can help maintain faster speeds. Top providers like NordVPN, ExpressVPN, and Surfshark offer strong performance, balancing security and speed.

To sum up, understanding the factors that affect VPN speed allows users to make informed choices and optimize their experience. By selecting the right provider and tweaking settings, it’s possible to enjoy the benefits of a VPN without sacrificing too much speed. As VPN technology continues to evolve, we can expect further improvements in performance, making secure browsing even more accessible and efficient for users worldwide.


  1. Do VPNs reduce your internet speed?
    Yes, VPNs can decrease your internet speed and increase latency because your internet traffic is routed through the VPN server.
  2. Is it possible to use a VPN to boost internet speed?
    In certain situations, VPNs can help increase speeds for specific services. This can occur when Internet Service Providers (ISPs) throttle, or intentionally slow down, certain types of traffic such as streaming services like Netflix.
  3. How can I improve my internet speed while using a business VPN?
    Utilizing Split Tunneling can enhance your internet speed. Split tunneling lets you select which data is routed through the VPN and which isn’t. By directing only necessary data through the VPN, you can reduce the load on your VPN connection and thus, increase its speed.
  4. What internet speed is recommended for effective VPN use?
    For tasks that rely on remote desktop connections or for accessing your work network via a VPN, it’s advisable to have download and upload speeds of at least 10 Mbps. These figures are general recommendations and might vary based on specific needs.


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