Understand how Speed Test For Wifi complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our GDPR Policy ensures your privacy and data security are protected. Stay informed about our commitment to safeguarding your personal information.  

GDPR Compliance Document for Speed Test For Wifi

1. Company Information:

2. Data Collection:

  • Types of Data Collected:
    • Cookies for serving ads based on internet browsing history.
    • Server location and internet speed test results to provide accurate speed test results.
  • Methods of Data Collection:
    • Cookies and internet speed testing mechanisms.

3. Purpose of Data Processing:

  • Reasons for Data Collection:
    • To serve contextual ads based on users’ internet browsing history.
    • To provide accurate internet speed test results based on server location.
  • Legal Basis for Processing:
    • Consent implied by use of the site and acceptance of cookies.

4. Data Subject Rights:

  • Access, Rectification, and Deletion:
    • Users can delete their data by clearing cookies/browsing history on their PC/mobile device.
    • Users who do not consent to cookie use should not visit the site as cookies are integral to ad serving.

5. Data Sharing:

  • Third Parties:
    • Google Ad Network
  • Reasons for Sharing Data:
    • To deliver ads based on user interests, benefiting from ad revenue when ads are shown.

6. Data Security:

  • Measures in Place:
    • Hosting with GoDaddy, secured with SSL certificates and high-grade security measures.
    • Use of Google AdSense, a globally recognized and secure ad system.
    • Implementation of ads.txt to ensure the authenticity of served ads.
  • Procedures for Data Breach Notification:
    • Contacting hosting provider GoDaddy and Google to inform them of any data breach.

7. Cookies and Tracking:

  • Use of Cookies:
    • To track user browsing solely for delivering contextual ads based on prior internet interests.
  • Managing Cookie Preferences:
    • Users can manage cookie preferences in their internet settings to allow or disallow specific sites.

8. Data Retention:

  • Duration of Storage:
    • Data is retained for 30 days unless cookies are deleted earlier by the user.

9. Privacy Policy:

10. Terms of Use:

11. About Section:

Speed Test For Wifi is committed to protecting your personal data and ensuring transparency in data processing. By using our site, you consent to the collection and processing of data as described above. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected].